
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Season 4 - Episode 10 - Interview with Vickie Heath Glosson
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
"I am truly a positive person. So what you see on my Instagram is just what you get. You know, that might not make you the most popular person. But it makes it much, much, much easier for me, because I’m just being myself.
Mhm. Yeah, can you talk more about that? What made you think of that just now?
I thought about it, because I think sometimes, you see so much doom and gloom… Every social media, everywhere. And then sometimes, when you look at that, or if it’s not the doom and gloom, it’s the… You know, the people talking about being stressed all the time, or body conscious all the time. You know, it’s always negative! And I wonder, why? I mean, is that all people go through in life? Negativity? Yes, I have had moments that I’m pissed off, upset, have gone through things… But you cannot let that just rule and take over your life."
Welcome to the Wise Not Withered podcast! We are in Season 4, and this is Episode 10. This month's guest is Vickie Heath Glosson. I found her on Instagram, where she describes herself as "Gray hair beauty influencer and motivator with an eclectic lifestyle. Encouraging personal growth and a beacon of positivity and creativity." She truly is just so varied in all of her interests and activities that she does. She talks about her upbringing, as well as all kinds of things she's into now, such as her hair, her gardening, her teaching, her collaborations (being an ambassador for various beauty products), and she truly is just such a warm, beautiful soul. It was such a pleasure to talk to her and listen to her share so much about her life. And I will let her tell the rest of the story! Enjoy!
Cool! All right! Let’s just dive right in!
Let’s go for it!
What is your age?
I am 66!
66, excellent. And where did you grow up?
I grew up in the state of Texas, in a small city called Galena Park. It’s right on the outskirts of Houston. So… Houston, Texas.
Okay, nice. And where else have you lived?
I am a born and raised Texan! Yeah! I’m right here. My parents both came from Louisiana, and they settled here in Houston in the mid-50’s.
Okay. Cool, do you know what brought them to where you are now?
Of course! They grew up in the Northern part of Louisiana, and after my mom and dad got married, they settled in Seattle, Washington for a while. But since their parents were in Louisiana, they went back and stayed for a while. But they kinda wanted to live their life on their terms. And they decided on Houston.
My parents were… My dad was a lawyer. My parents were business people. We had a café, growing up. They settled in Houston to do that. In Northern Louisiana, it was a small town… Opportunities were just not there. And so they decided to move on.
Cool, and what do you do for a living? I know you have—you do so many things, but yeah what’s like the main thing, if there is one?
So many things… Actually, educator! I have taught for forty-five years.
Actually I retired, then I got rehired because I missed it a little bit. I did that… I started teaching at a very young age of 21, and I taught in the Houston and Galena Park districts. So basically that’s it. I’m an educator, of mostly middle school and high school.
Okay, nice. Oh my gosh. Definitely an eclectic lifestyle, as you say on your page. How did you get into teaching?
Well, my family has been deep into education. Actually, all my sisters above me… And I’ma just step back for a minute: there are eleven of us, okay. Mom and Dad had eleven children, and none of us are twins. My mom actually always wanted to be a teacher, and so I think over the years, hearing her talking about it on the regular… It just got instilled in us, because education was always really important. My grandmother, on my dad’s side, was a teacher for years. So I really came from a long line of educators. So it just became a part… As a matter of fact, my oldest sister right now has been teaching for fifty-five years—in one district!
Yes, yes. But all my sisters—and I have brothers. Brothers didn’t go into the teaching. But all my sisters above me—which I am seven from the top! There are, what… Three sisters over me.
Okay. Wow. So just a whole family of teachers.
Yes, teachers, educators of some sort.
Mhm. Okay. Yeah, and what has made you stay in it?
Well, what happened is… I do do a lot of things. I spend a lot of time… I just love the kids! I retired for four years. And then my mom passed, okay… And after she did, my kids were in college. My younger two were in college still. I was like, “Let me sub for a little bit.” So I went in and substituted. I was teaching anyway. I could not be that person just sitting back and not helping my students. And so I went, “Well you know what? If I’m teaching anyway, I’ll just go ahead and go back.” And that’s what I did. I said, “If I get hired, I get hired. If not… You know, I won’t worry about it. I’m retired. It’s been four years. I’m good.” And my second interview, I got hired again! So I said, “Okay, I’ll do this!” It’s been almost six years now since I’ve been back.
Nice! Awesome. All right, yeah… I love so many things that I saw on your profile. One of them was “Encouraging personal growth”. What does personal growth mean to you?
Oh gosh… Just continue doing things, you know? Keep living life, having fun. Yes, there’s always gonna be setbacks, that’s normal. But you just have to persevere. You just have to say, “Okay, that happened. I made a mistake, perhaps.” I’ve learned, and move on! I believe in living, loving, and laughing! That’s kind of my motto. It did not just happen. I was a little quieter in my earlier years, but I’ve always believed that. I believe in family. Doing things that make you happy! If it doesn’t make me happy, I move on.
Yeah, that’s great! I love that. And what does make you happy? I’m sure there’s tons of things, but what comes to mind first?
Family! Family. I love family. I’ve always been family-oriented. I was close daughter to my mother and father. And my children! Oh my goodness. We do so, so much together. I love having them here with me, being around them, doing adventurous things with them. And you know, we’ll just… Family. Family is just the bottom line. They just keep my heart beating. I’m excited about that. And of course, now I have two grand-daughters… That’s just the icing on the cake. (Laughs)
(Laughs) Ah, that’s so cute. What was your relationship like with your mom?
Oh my… We were really close. When I was growing up, like I said I was a little quieter. I was seventh, so I kind of sat back and watched. But she was very, very supportive. The song that I love, love, love—that I feel represents our relationship the most—you know, the wind beneath my wings!
Because she had always been there. Beautiful woman, beautiful heart, very supportive… She’s the one, when I came home from dance classes, just if I learned a new step. She may be in the middle of something, and she’s gonna stop. Whether she liked it or not, it’s like “Oh my goodness, look at you! You done a great job.” You know, she always gave me time. Middle of the night sometimes, I wake up… She’ll be in there sewing. Instead of swishing me back, to go to bed, “Come here, come on! Let me teach you this.” She taught me embroidery, taught me how to sew. And a lot of things were just her and me. I was interested, she knew I was. And if I wanted to learn from her, I did.
You may have noticed, a lot of the pictures are gardening! Oh my gosh. She was an exceptional gardener. And I was right there with her, trying to learn as much as I could about everything. I wondered, “How do you know all this?” You know, remember all that? And I just kind of amazed myself, now, when I can go and do the same, and my kids are right there with me. They’re like, “Mom, how do know all this?”
Ah, I love that!!
But she was… Yeah, just a wonderful person. You know, of course, we had our ups and downs, just like any other mother and daughter, but… An amazing woman. I’m that one to say, “When I grow up, I want to be like you.” A role model.
Yeah… Oh, that’s beautiful. I love that. Yeah, maybe can you talk more about your gardening?
Oh gosh! Oh wow! Okay! I’ve always had a garden. Even in my single days, always had one… 2019 was a real transformation. My son and I—cause I have a son that stays here with me. We had grass in the backyard, the whole works, a courtyard. We decided, you know, let’s do something! He’s very creative. We kinda bonded here together, got our thoughts together. We cleared out every piece of grass, weeds, and we revamped it.
It was really nice, took a while… Then covid hit. It was horrible, a terrible time in life, but we made so much out of it. We went through our whole, entire backyard. We dug it up. We transformed it! And it’s my little paradise—my piece of paradise. We made a biometric type of gardening. A place where not only my family and myself, but for the animals. All the birds… We set it up, the garden for butterflies, the bees. We wanted nature to be part of the yard. That’s how we set it up.
I was taught earlier that when you do gardening, whether it’s a flower garden or vegetable garden, whatever. You know, you do it enough to have enough for yourself, and enough for the animals. They come in and eat your tomatoes, or pick your peppers, whatever they do. There’s always extra. So that’s what we wanted. That’s the way we wanted the garden to be, and that’s how it turned out.
We put gravel over the other areas. We have flower gardens, we have… Oh my gosh. I have peaches, apples, peppers, onions, garlic, greens. Just name it, it’s there. And I love living a healthy life. I love going outside to pick my garden. It has been very healthful, very calming. I’ve loved just sitting back, and watching what I’ve done! I’m very proud of it. So I’ve been keeping it up, and it looks amazing!
Oh, that’s great! How fun. I remember my dad grew some, I think tomatoes. I feel like it tastes a lot better, from the natural garden. (Laughs)
Oh, yes. And you know, they eat a little more than we want them to eat. (Laughs) But we don’t use pesticides. We just try to get there earlier and pick it before they do.
Yeah, that’s so interesting too, to leave enough for the animals too, since it’s inevitable that that’ll happen. Yeah. I love that! How about, can you talk about your hair?
Ahh! Yeah!! Yes, yes, yes. Okay. Yes, I will. It’s a very interesting story. First of all, I actually did… Rinse my hair one. What happened… I had younger children, for my age. My first child was born when I was 32, my last one I was 39. So I was an older parent. And I remember my hair growing out gray. And my youngest son said, “Mom, why don’t you dye your hair?” And remember now, he was around a lot of the younger parents, with blonde, bleach-blonde, or brown hair, whatever… I said, “Dye my hair? Why?” He said, “That way, it’d make you look younger. You oughta give it a try.” Remember now, he was in seventh grade, I believe it was.
And so, I was like, “Well…” I just kinda didn’t want to do that. He mentioned it again, and I said why not. I went in, got my hair rinsed, because I knew it would wash out after a certain amount of washes. It looked amazing! It did. I loved it, I loved it, I loved it. I’m kinda lazy though! (Laughs) I’m kinda lazy when it comes to even dealing with the hair.
I loved it for the moment. You know, I’m happy that I did it. But when it grew out, I was okay. I did this, he thought it was amazing, everyone thought it was amazing. But it wasn’t to the point where I could see myself in the chair, every what, six or eight weeks, getting my hair redone. Nobody said anything else about it from that point. So that was it! It went from a streak of gray right here, in the middle. That streak, years ago, my mom used to say… It was auburn color when I was growing up. She said “It’ll be the first part of your hair that turns gray.” Yes, I had those lovely brothers that called me, you know, skunk! There was a cartoon Josie and the Pussycats. One of the ladies on there had that hair…
But anyway, it continued on. I just went back, after a while. I said, “I love it!” I get compliments. An it’s so amazing. Over the years, I’ve gotten more compliments from men versus women. That was shocking. I was like, “What?” That was pretty interesting. I’ve just kept it. I love it. It’s just easy. And just went from there. Yeah, that’s my hair! Love my hair. And if I had to do it over again, I’d probably do the same.
Yeah, that’s great. All right, so I’ve seen you’ve done a lot of collaborations. You’ve been featured, you’ve been an ambassador… There’s so much! Can you talk about all of that?
Wow… It started with hair. Different companies, that’s where it started. I’m very happy about that. It was during a time where you just did not see women with gray hair, being featured for anything! So it started there, which… That was wonderful. It should have always been a part. When I think about the collaborations, I love the fact that the majority of them kept that in mind: it was because of the gray hair. That’s why I was chosen in the first place, with a lot of them.
With some of them, it’s hard on your hair, because by your hair being this light, certain products turn it green or blue or… (Laughs) We had to learn what did and did not work! So that was kinda interesting, because if you’re gonna collaborate with people and you try the products… I like to be transparent. I’m not gonna sit here and say a product is super great if it’s NOT! Especially when I’m talking to women with light hair, white or silver hair. I always try my products. I let them know, “Hey, I have to do this for a week or two, so I can at least see some kind of reaction.”
Then it moved on to facial products, and then it just became collaborations with a little bit of both. Even with that… If it’s gonna break me out, you know, I’m gonna like, “Okay…!?” I show a picture of it, but I probably won’t talk a whole lot about it. Because I don’t want to deceive people when I get products, just to get paid. I would prefer not getting paid for it, if I could just jump in front of my audience and say, “Yeah! This product works!” This and that. No, I don’t work like that.
As a matter of fact, there’s one I’m working on now, and I’ve only had it for like a week. “Oh, when you gonna come out?” I said, “I haven’t used it long enough!” (Laughs) I said, “I’ll do it so-and-so time.” But yes, I like doing the collaborations. I do a few that are free, but the majority of them I do get paid for them. Yes.
Yeah. I just put one out now, it’s with Moderna. I’ve done one previously with the others, so… It’s pretty good. I’m trying to get to a point where you know, when I retire next time around, I don’t have to go back to teaching. So after a while, you’re kinda like, “Oh it’s that time again.”
Yeah, what was it like to have the first one? Was it surprising to get an email? Or… What was your reaction to that?
It was like, “Oh goodness!” I think the very first ambassador was Fly Hip and Ageless. Wow! That was so cool! And I’m like, “Okay!!” You know… But that was so amazing. I was very excited about that. You’ve probably heard of them, Fly Hip and Ageless. So that was my first ambassador one. Probably… I’m trying to think back. There’s been a lot of them. It’s exciting! And it’s still exciting, after years! And you’re excited because the people see you, notice you, and figure, she is… We like what she does well enough to even want to communicate with her.
I do pick and choose! There are a lot of scammers out there, yes. They’ll put in, “You’re from this, we’re from that.” And you have to really be careful with that. Check emails, check links, you check all those things before you jump into it. That’s the harder part, and I’m glad I have young children! (Laughs) Cause they say, “Mom, that’s a fake account! Check that again.” Or they check it for me. And sometimes if it sounds too good to be true, it IS too good to be true.
But that said, there have been a lot of really good ones, that you would think, “Yeah, sure.” And they’re really good ones, and legit! So, just have to be real careful. I’m very, very picky about that. Because… Yeah, you don’t want your information out there to be stolen. Even though a lot of it gets stolen anyway! (Laughs) You do your best to not let it get stolen.
Yeah, interesting… I also see that you’re into yoga too?
You know, I’m into a healthy lifestyle. Let’s put it that way. Yoga… I was a ballet dancer… Oh my goodness, pretty much the last dance I did I was like 30 years old. So, I just do what makes me feel good. I love stretching! Being limber. I do yoga moves, I do ballet moves. I do some strength training, jogging…
So I kinda just, at this age, I mix what’s best for me. Stretching is the most important part. I can do that, I’ve learned all of that, and I just put it together, and work with it in ways that makes it great for me. You know? I would show it, yes, I do the yoga poses. Did I learn how to do the splits from yoga? No, I learned that from dance! You know what I’m saying? Or my backbend was from my acrobat… I used to be into acrobatics when I was younger.
And I just kept up with them over the years. And yes, at 66, I can still do a backbend. Yes, I can still do the splits! Cartwheel, you know, those kinds of things. I just kept up with it over the years, because it just made me feel good. At the time it wasn’t because of my Instagram. It was because I wanted to do it, and prove things to myself. Hey, can I still do this? And yes. I keep it up. I can’t just specify one thing that I do. It’s a blend. It’s a blend of all that I’ve learned over the years.
Read the full transcript on wisenotwithered.com!
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